May 30, 2007


Today is our anniversary. We're rapidly approaching the decade mark, and it feels like so much less. Melissa was going through some of our older pictures recently and when she came across ones from the first year or so we were married, I was surprised to realize how long ago it really was.

Like always, I have no idea how to put thoughts on what this means into words, but really when the woman you are married to finds out that there is a Doctor Who marathon on the Sci Fi channel and is not only willing to watch it, but wants to watch it, what else is there to say?


Itchy said...

9 Years! Congratulations!

Time flies by. FLIES! I can't believe it. We're coming up on our 12th and it just does not seem that that is actually possible.

Marni said...

We just passed our 14th...

She sounds like a keeper. Congratulations!

Anita said...

Congratulations and happy anniversary! She is a keeper for sure!

Poledra said...

Congrats! and what do you say? As Garth said in Wayne's World - "Just say, "Thank You." O.~