May 31, 2007


I think my favorite commercial on TV right now is for Verizon Wireless. In this ad, a man is telling his kids that they can send messages on their phones to anyone. They reply that they already do, and he tells them that it means that their mother can quit her second job. At that point, the mother walks in wearing a taco costume. The father looks at her and says, "Hola!" (Wow, this works much better on screen than in text)

It cracks me up every time I see it. I think it may be that his greeting is exactly the type of thing I would do, and would end up getting myself into a bit of trouble.

Here's a link to the video.


Poledra said...

There must be something in this commercial that appeals to the male side of the sense of humour. The hubby and son (15) repeat the "Hola!" and yuk it up when ever this commercial comes on the TV. The girls (18, 12) and I just stare at them blankly....O.O

Itchy said...

This one does make me laugh a bit...I'll admit it. current fav that I cannot get enough of is the one where Sprint and the other dudes kidnap Chad and put him in the van and then Sprint pinches Chad and then the other dude says "There's more where that came from" and Sprint does the pinching motion to indicate that yes indeed there is more where that came from. KILLS ME! I stop what I'm doing anytime that one comes on....

BUT...if they show the stupid alternate version with the D&D reference I get pissed and need a few mintues to recover. That's how much I love the pinch.

Anonymous said...

I just saw this commercial like two seconds ago. . .it's really the way he says 'hola' that makes it so funny.

Esther said...

That commercial makes me giggle.

MC Etcher said...

hear hear! I love this commercial too, though why doesn't the MAN have a second job instead of his wife?

srah said...

"I webbed you. That means you got the apartment!"

That always makes me giggle.

Melissa said...

I love the "Hola" but I also point out to Craig that if he ever said that to me while I was wearing a taco suit, I'd slap him! LOL.

I also love the pinch! I always feel compelled to do the air pinch with the Sprint guy.