May 22, 2007

Trivial Tuesday

As you probably know, Futurama (along with the Simpsons) is one of my favorite television shows of all time. The show featured many talented voice actors including Maurice LaMarche, who voiced many of the recurring but not major characters on the show. I first became aware of LaMarche when he played a highly-intelligent, macrocephalic cartoon character. Who was it?

And since you're already clogging the tubes of the internet, go wish the more responsible, (usually) more reasonable, and older half of our household a happy birthday.

Congrats to srah, who knew that I was referring to that mouse with dreams of global domination, The Brain.


srah said...

Brain from Pinky and the Brain?

Poledra said...

HaHa - and here I thought you were talking about me =P...TellMelissa Happy Birthday!!!!