December 06, 2006

Rockin' Around The Christmas Meme

This was emailed to me by a coworker, and I figured that it would make a nice meme for the blog. So here you go, 18 questions to help us get to know each other around Christmas.

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Yes, of course.

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? In my family Santa didn't wrap presents, he just put ribbons on them to indicate which of the three kids the presents were for.

3. Colored lights on tree/house or white? When I was growing up, colored and preferably blinking. Now, white.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? Nope.

5. When do you put your decorations up? Whatever time is convenient after Thanksgiving.

6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert): Take your pick: Turkey, Stuffing/Dressing, Green Bean Casserole, pretty much everything.

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child: Waking up to find the presents Santa had placed my color of ribbon on, and then sitting around and watching as everyone takes turns opening gifts.

8. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? One gift only, but only for the kids. Fortunately, I haven't matured enough to not qualify as a kid anymore.

9. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? We jokingly call our tree the Hanukkah tree because we decorate it with silver and blue ornaments and white lights.

10. Snow! Love it or Dread it? On Christmas? Sure why not. The rest of the time...I could probably do without it.

11. Can you ice skate? No, but I can fall quite well.

12. Do you remember your favorite gift as a child? Hmm...this is probably a toss up between a Nintendo and a Chemistry set, or maybe that Star Wars transport vehicle...Hmm, video games, Star Wars and science, I started as a nerd pretty early.

13. What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? It's all about family...and food.

14. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Ok, this is hard. I don't think I can choose between pumpkin and pecan pie.

15. What is your favorite holiday tradition? Whenever it is time to give out gifts, the young kids get to "play Santa" and distribute all the packages. They always have as much fun being the one to hand gifts to people as they do opening gifts...ok, almost as much.

16. What tops your tree? Santa, who looks more comfortable than he should considering how that tree branch is holding him up.

17. What is your favorite Christmas Song? The Christmas Song by Nat King Cole

18. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum: As long as it's a peppermint one.

Now it's your turn.


Matt said...

1. Egg Nog.
2. Always wrapped.
3. Colored.
4. No.
5. Likewise, when we find the time.
6. Dessert.
7. Same, waking up on Christmas morning.
8. Only one.
9. Spastically and without rhythm.
10. Never had a white Christmas, but would have liked one. Otherwise, yuck.
11. Not at all. Never tried.
12. Going to go with the Death Star my parents got me when I was 8.
13. Being with my sweetie. (Everybody now: "Awwww...")
14. See #6
15. Buying some new Christmas CDs around Thanksgiving and getting sick of them by Christmas.
16. Nothing any more (used to have the molested Santa).
17. I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas
18. Yum, but only every once in a while.

Melissa said...

Here's mine!