December 05, 2006

Like Deja Vu All Over Again

It was time for an annual check up with the doctor once more, and while I don't typically rerun things I wrote in the past, I figured I might as well in this case. Since my appointment went just about the same as the one from a year ago. Here is a reprint of the transcript from my last visit to her office in September of 2005.

The following is a transcript of my discussion with the physician.

Doc: "So, how's it been going fatty?"

Me: "Excuse me?"

Doc: "I said 'How's it going, fatty?' What's wrong? Is the fat clogging your ears too?"

Me: "No I-"

Doc: "Fine. Whatever. How are you doing on your medicines?"

Me: "Good. Everything's good. They work very well and..."

Doc: "Look at that!" Pokes stomach "What's going on here?"

Me: "What? I'm sorry. I know I've gained some weight, but can't you just ease up a little?"

Doc: "How about if you ease up on the Big Macs, tubby."

Me: "Look, I understand I need to lose weight. I just want to get my medicine refilled."

Doc: "Fine. Here's your prescription. Just get out of here. I want to see less of you around here, and I don't mean I want to see you less often."

Me: Runs out sobbing like a little girl.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Craig-- I'm sorry, but this sounds like the coolest physician ever. She's loving you with hate!!