September 25, 2006

Three Decades Down

So, it appears that I'm officially old now. At least, that's what people keep telling me. I don't feel that old, and certainly don't feel any more mature. More mature or not, I no longer get to claim to be in my twenties, since today is my thirtieth birthday. I don't typically talk about my birthday, in fact I've deliberately avoided talking about it here in the past. This year has to be a little different though.

Melissa, who can never keep any sort of gift or surprise a secret, planned a surprise party for me. She planned out a nostalgic roller skating party complete with a soundtrack she put came up with and compiled herself. It had all the music you need for skating, from It Takes Two to Bust a Move to Youth Gone Wild. (I didn't ask how much she had to download to make the soundtrack. One of the joys of having a birthday is that you don't get to know how much was spent of things.) As if having the party (and recently buying me a Media Center PC and new monitor) was not enough, she also got me the I Love The 80's game and a 80's version of Trivial Pursuit.

So, while I don't know if worth anywhere near that much trouble, I certainly won't complain about it. Like I said, I didn't intend to talk about my birthday on here, but after all that, I had to. Of course, now that I know she can manage to keep a secret, I might be suspicious a bit more often.


Matt said...

Women can always keep secrets. The thing you have to worry about is that you've got one so smart that she was able to convince you otherwise for so long.

Happy Birthday, dude. Welcome to the 3's.

Esther said...

Happy Birthday! You share a birthday with one of my best friends - I won't forget it now.

Marni said...

Happy birthday! BUT if you are old then I must be ancient. My 40th is just around the corner.... sigh.

Itchy said...

Happy Belated Birthday dude!

You are not old. Old is like...I don't know. I look at my Granny and she's not old. And she'll be 80 this week. Old is an attitude. My father-in-law is the oldest person I know, and he's only in his 50s. But his attitude...old. So, you are not old. Plus I'm 34 and I'm no where near old and if I'm 34 and you're 30 you can't be old either.

And your party sounds like it totally rocked!

Craig said...

IL, She really can't keep things secret. She buys presents and then has to tell me what they are long before she gives them to me.

Esther, Are you friends with Will Smith? Michael Douglas? Luke Skywalker?

Marni, I don't think 30 is old, but people (mostly ones over 30) keep telling me that it is.

Itchy, it did rock, especially with the music. When we left, Melissa went to pick up the mix CDs and the guys working at the rink asked if they could keep them.

Esther said...

Nope, my friend Jodi isn't anyone famous. Well, other than in my little world.

MC Etcher said...

Happy Birthday!

Becki said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Dude, Happy Birthday!

A roller skating party? That's awesome! Backwards skate!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! As usual, I am a day late and a dollar short!

You are a young pup still. Embrace it!

Melissa rocks, by the way! That party sounded so fun.

And you share a birthdya with a lot of people including my nephew and one of my good friends.

You know all that crap people say about life only getting better as you get older (like 30s and 40s)? I didn't believe it either and I kind of freaked out at 30. But it's so freaking true! Life will only get better!

Hope it was happy!

Laziest Girl said...

Sorry I missed it - happy birthday my friend!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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