September 07, 2006

One Smart Cookie

We went for Chinese food recently and at the end of the meal I opened my fortune cookie to find this. (Please excuse the glare in the photo.)

A recent fortune

"You will receive a fortune. (cookie)" Look, I deal with enough people who think they are clever in my real life. I'm even one of those people. I certainly don't need baked goods thinking that they are witty too.

Of course, I ended up having the last word. I'm the one with thumbs and teeth. Poor cookie never stood a chance.


Anonymous said...

Thumbs and teeth! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHA! That just made me cackle aloud.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What a wise guy! I would have thrown it on the ground and stomped on it. Then I would have spit on it. Finally, I would have asked the restaurant for a refund because a fortune cookie should never be that obnoxious!!! You are obviously a better person than me!