January 18, 2005

These are my confessions...(with apologies to Usher)

Fortunately, (unlike Usher) my confessions have nothing to do with impregnating a woman I hardly know. And while I am on that subject, am I the only one that thinks that Confessions Part II has the one of the strangest premises ever for a hit song? A song entirely about confessing not only infidelity, but that you've cheated enough that you got your "chick on the side" pregnant? Seriously? What's next? Confessing that your mistress gave you chlamydia? Oh well, sorry for the digression. On to my confessions for the day.

Part I.

I am a snooze-aholic. When my alarm goes off in the morning, I simply cannot get out of bed right away. OK, maybe I should rephrase that, because I can and do get out of bed. You see, to prevent the repeated snoozes, I have placed my alarm clock across the room. My original thought was that if I have to get up, walk around the bed and across the room I would be awake enough that I would simply stay up and start getting ready. Riiiiiight. This morning, I hit the button at least six times. I have a very serious problem, but the twelve step program just leads me to the snooze button.

Part II.

Tonight is the first episode of the new season of American Idol, and I promised myself that I would not watch again. During the first two seasons, I watched quasi-religiously. Near the end of the second season, I decided that I needed to stop. I wasn't going to watch at all in season three, but everytime I think I'm out they pull me back in. I eventually gave up near the end of the season and was convinced (again) that I wouldn't watch anymore. I'll give you one guess as to what is on in the background right this very moment. Yep, you got it.

Here's the problem: I look back at the previous shows and realize that I simply don't care who wins. I am not a huge fan of most of the music performed on the show, and I have not ever purchased, nor is it likely that I will ever purchase the music of any idol contestant. So why do I watch and keep watching? After a few episodes, I'm committed and can't handle not knowing what happens even if I don't care. The thing that draws me in first is the auditions, and I don't mean the good ones. I start watching because it's hard to believe that that there are people out there that misguided about their own abilities and because it's so easy to laugh at these same people. That's right, I'm confessing right here, right now that I only watch this show to laugh at the poor talentless people getting their dreams shattered on national television? I don't care about the people that are any good. I don't care about the people that succeed. I only care about the people who have lost all contact with reality and are willing to make complete fools of themselves for a chance at "stardom." Does that make me a bad person?

YES! As a matter of fact, I think it does!

Until later...


Becki said...

I can't *stand* that Usher song. It's just so wrong and creepy. Who wrote that song? Was it Usher? Or did his manager or someone say one day, "I have the perfect song for you!" ? Did he think eveyone would just like it for the rhythm and no one would ever really listen to the words??? I MUST KNOW!!!

Sorry CK.

Becki said...

Heh. I just noticed that you posted this almost a year ago. Oops. The link to this post was a referring link on my StatCounter.