July 05, 2007

They Found Me, I Don't Know How, But They Found Me

I was talking with a fellow blogger about weird searches that find our respective blogs recently and decided it had been a while since I last checked on my own stats. Every now and then, I look to see who's stopping by and how they are getting here. Sometimes, I don't really want to know the answers. For example, it's a little disturbing that someone was searching for the words coprophagia and geisha on Google (I've tried to block all thoughts of why they might be doing that from my mind). Even more disturbing, I was the first result.


Poledra said...

O_o OK...I'm properly creeped out. And please tell me you know the meaning of that word because you study Dung Beetles alot...BTW - dont forget today is a birthday =)

Cup said...

I'm shocked about three times a day over Google searches that land on my blog. There are some weird folks out there ...