July 19, 2007

More Rambling About The World Series of Pop Culture

Ok, a little bit more on the World Series of Pop Culture. If you haven't watched last night's episode an you don't want to know what happens, you should stop now.

We're down to three, and at this point I don't care who wins the second semi-final match (Wocka Wocka or Almost Perfect Strangers) as long as they shut the Twisted Misters up. Those guys are obnoxious and arrogant.

As if that wasn't enough to make me dislike them, they caught two huge breaks in judging last night. First, on a question about what Will Smith yells to the cab driver who drops him at Uncle Phil's house in Bel Air, one of the members of Twisted Misters answered, "Smell ya later." When prompted for more information, he elaborated "Go home, smell you later." I rewound multiple times to confirm that he really did say "go home" as opposed to the correct "Yo, homes!" Unfortunately, the judges obviously thought he said something different than I did, because his answer was accepted. Later, during a tie-breaker, the players were alternating listing James Bond movies, when the member of 3 Men and a Little Lazy gave the answer "Her Majesty's Secret Service." Rather than prompting for more information (i.e. say the word "On") or just accepting it because it is certainly close enough, the answer was deemed incorrect, in essence ending the game.

I'm not sure if they are trying to make these guys into the villains of the show, but if so, they are certainly doing a great job of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I caught the "Go home" thing too, and found your blog by searching this morning to see if anyone else caught it. But you know, I think they might have accepted his answer even if he never added more. I got the impression the judge was pondering, and hadn't actually prompted for more info.

Did you notice that a Bond film was incorrect when the answers were shown on-screen? It said "A View To Kill". Obviously didn't impact the game.