July 19, 2007

Still Around

It's starting to look like I'm deserting all of you, isn't it. It's not intentional; it's just how things are at the moment. I'm busy enough at work that when I do finally get home, I feel like I've just finished running a marathon(1), making it where I really don't have the energy to do anything about posting on here. In fact, anything I have posted in the past few weeks was actually written long before. So, what else has been going on with me recently? Let's see what I would have told you all about if I actually bothered to post:

Ratatouille - Saw it, loved it and highly recommend that you go see it.

Harry Potter - If you like all the other HP movies, you'll like this one. It's a little darker, and a lot more condensed, but I liked it better than #'s 2 and 4.

World Series of Pop Culture - Of course I'm watching the World Series of Pop Culture. How could I not? I love the show. I love playing along. I love laughing at Pat Kiernan, especially when he's reading lyrics. Unfortunately, the teams I want to win aren't always winning, but I'm still enjoying it.

Eureka - The second season of Eureka is on Sci Fi now, and we're watching again. It's a great summer show. It's light, clever, amusing, nothing requiring lots of thought, just fun.

Doctor Who - The third season just started on Sci Fi recently. I absolutely love that show, but I'm missing Rose this year. We're only a couple episodes in, so maybe Martha will start growing on me.

Made Butter - It's kind of a long story...you know what? This one really deserves it's own post. And it will get one. Until I bother to actually write it, here are pictures that Melissa posted over at her site. (oops, forgot the link)

Glass Studio - We went to the grand opening of a glass studio not too far from here. Actually, this needs t be its own post, too. I promise, these will actually be posted relatively soon.(2)

I won candy at work - I was in a training session recently where the trainer stopped a couple of times during the presentation to allow breaks. The breaks were first "stretch breaks", where everyone could stand and make sure that they did still have circulation in their legs. Following the stretch break was a mental break where we were asked to perform an activity completely unrelated to the training. During our second break, the activity was to write down as many Tom Hanks films as possible in 30 seconds. Getting 8 of them won me a mini Mr. Goodbar. Sadly, this may have been the highlight of my week.

(1) Obviously, this is an exaggeration. I would never run a marathon, but if I did what I would feel would be nothing, because I would have died long before mile 26.

(2) Not that you really care.


MC Etcher said...

1) Do tell about the butter!

2) Glass studio??

Esther said...

Yay, you're back. I haven't had anything to say either.