March 27, 2007

Trivial Tuesday

How about some Simpsons minutiae this week? When the Stamp Museum was being constructed near the Simpson's home, Homer lead a group of protesters in a chant of "Two, Four, Six, Eight. We hate stamps. They aren't great." Unfortunately, this cheer didn't go over too well, so he moved on to a second chant in which he accidentally revealed his PIN number to most of Springfield. What was his PIN?

2-4-6-8! We hate stamps! They aren't great!
7-4-3-1! Oh wait, that's my PIN number.
Congrats to Becki who apparently has plans to drain Homer's bank account.


crse said...

dammmmmmmm! you are good. no clue.

Becki said...

Damn, I just watched this episode! I think it was 7431, but I'm not positive.

Esther said...

Yeah, I have no clue.

Craig said...

You got it Becki. It's 7431.

MC Etcher said...

Ah yes, but what letters do 7431 stand for? Homer can't be trusted to remember numbers.

It's "piez"