January 23, 2007

Mid-Winter Spring Cleaning

I've been doing a bit of changing things here at the old blog, and wanted to point out a few changes. First, I've upgraded to a new blogger template and messed with the color scheme just a bit. On the sidebar, you will find the archives, and links to posts by label (I haven't gone back and labelled all the old posts yet, but I'm getting there). You will also find that the almost never updated list of various blogs is no longer there. In it's place, you will find a list of the most recent comments left on the blog. Now all the people who comment are getting recognition without me having to constantly update. The nicest thing about the new template is that it's much cleaner than the old one where I kept adding new things as I found out about them or learned to do them. Much longer and it would have been mistaken for any webpage designed between 1994 and 1998.

The biggest news (it's not really that big, but we can pretend it is) is that you can now reach this page by going to a new address. http://fountofuseless.info You will still be able to reach it through the old blogspot address, so update your bookmarks...or don't, I'll still be here.


Esther said...

Oh I so need to update my blog template. I just haven't found anything I've liked enough to make the change.

Anonymous said...

Woooo! Looks great!

MC Etcher said...

Cool, your very own url! The new page is looking good!

I need to get around to updating my template.

Itchy said...

I'm still afeared to change mine. They keep poking me when I log in to change over....but change is scary! Almost as much as spiders...