January 04, 2007

Insert Obscure Pop Culture Reference as Title Here

I don't complain much on here (ok, fine I do), but I wanted to complain about clothing for a minute.

Why is it that the only clothing available in larger sizes for men is so hideous. Is it all part of a Rod Roddy fashion line that was created before he died? If it's not floral shirts, it's shirts with flames and dragons or florescent purple shirts with green stripes. Do they really feel that fat guys want to draw even more attention to themselves? Are we supposedly sitting around going, "You know, I don't think enough people pay attention to how fat I am. What can I wear to make sure that every looks at me."

Look, I'm fat, and that can mean I have no willpower or that I have no motivation, but it doesn't mean I have no taste.


Anonymous said...

Craig, at some point, the whole fat-guy-fashion thing becomes self-perpetuating. To wit: while shopping with my rather...um...reubenesque brother, we saw brightly-colored floral shirt, and he said, "Now, THERE'S a shirt a fat guy can get behind!"
Perhaps your distaste stems from the fact that you've yet to achieve the necessary amplitude to make such a shirt work for you?

Laziest Girl said...

Have you looked at the maternity wear section lately?