January 10, 2007

Truth in Television Advertising

Have you ever stopped to wonder what ads for TV shows would sound like if the networks were completely honest, or even a little more honest? No? A complete waste of time, you say? Well, it's a good thing you have me around to think about things like that for you. I decided to see how some shows that have been on in the past year or so would advertise themselves. Here are the results.

Eureka: Blessed are the geek, for they shall inherit the earth, and we shall make a comedic soap opera about it.

House: Admit it, you watch it for the insults.

Blade: the Series: Half naked girls and choreographed fight scenes. Like professional wrestling with less scripts.

Nanny 911: A chance to see people with kids brattier than yours.

Lost: Don't ask us, we're just as confused as you are.

CSI Miami: Acting? We don't need no stinking acting.

Studio 60: It's a new show from Aaron Sorkin. Watch it, or people will look down on you.

Ghost Whisperer: We know why you watch. Ladies, get ready to cry. Guys, get ready to ogle.

Survivor: We'll do anything for ratings.

Grey's Anatomy: Because you have to work during the daytime, but you still love soaps.

The War at Home: We can't believe we're on the air either.

24: This season, Jack Bauer is going to kill a bunch of people. Does anything else matter?

The Real World: Some people say we started the Reality TV craze. We're sorry.

Heroes: OK, who let the nerd write a TV show?

Big Brother: We'll do anything for ratings...except be entertaining.

Mythbusters: Mixing science and destruction, but mostly destruction.

Battlestar Galactica: Remember the series from the seventies? It's kinda like that, only our Cylons are hot.

Jericho: Proving that even as their world collapses around them, people still have the ability to make their lives worse by being idiots.

Trading Spouses: We don't mean it like that. Although, we are on Fox.


MC Etcher said...

What I'm waiting for is really fun commercials on cable.

Like a commercial for Pizza Hut where everybody is just so excited about how bleeping good the bleeping pizza is! I mean, this pizza is the bleep! Bleep! Bleep, I gotta order another one! Bleeping bleep, man, you gotta try this!

Yeah, too few people have HBO, but that's what YouTube is for.

Esther said...

I still remember the first liquor commercial I saw a couple of years ago on cable. Kind of weird. But I resent that about Grey's Anatomy!

Anonymous said...

My recommended changes

Desperate Housewives- Because we work during the day but we still want to watch Soap Operas

Grey's Anatomy- Sexy doctors in every flavor

Craig said...

You two can resent all you want about Grey's Anatomy, but it won't change two things about it.

1. If it were any more of a soap opera, they'd be ready to introduce a character named Dr. Drake Ramoray.

2. It just started getting shown in syndication...on Lifetime.