January 10, 2008

Who Are You?

I've read in a couple of places that this is supposed to be De-lurking Day, so if you're hanging around and reading and I don't know who you are or you don't think I know who you are, leave a comment. Tell us about yourself, where you're from, what you do. It will be like one of those really bad "getting to know you" ice-breaker games.


Anonymous said...

I'm kicking myself that I missed out on most of de-lurking week. Although I HAVE been commenting a lot.

Anonymous said...

De-lurking day? I had no idea. Why didn't I get the memo? Anyway, I'm Art...importer/exporter and purveyor of fine latex products.

Matt said...

Hi. I'm Invisible Lizard. I'm a cancer and periodic lurker.

Anonymous said...

I am guilty of lurking. I am from Calgary Alberta Canada.

Becki said...

Hey CK!

Anonymous said...

A little late I guess, but I'm a grad student from Indiana.


Adam said...

Hiya from Florida...I'm an exclusive lurker extrordinaire!

Hex said...

++++ Greetings from Florida ++++ Please Reinstall Cheese and Reboot =)++++

Laziest Girl said...

Can I count as a lurker although I'm technically not. It helps me to feel included.

Anita said...

Hi, my name is Trixie and I'm an alcoholic... er, wait, wrong group!

Craig said...

Srah, Landelay, Lizard: Hi.

Becki: Hi. Good to see you're still around.

lbeth: Does this make you the one who shows up on my statcounter as being from Lafayette? A grad student, huh? What do you study?

Adam: I saw someone in Orlando was reading, but didn't realize it was you.

Hex: +++Wahhhhhhh! Mine!+++ Hmm...FTB must not be in place.

Laziest: I don't think you count as a lurker as much as a backsliding reader/commenter. An apostate, if you will.

Trixie: I understand if you feel you need to be anonymous about this group, too.

Poledra said...

Hey, I'm Kate and I am a Taurus! And I like tomatoes and black-capped chick-a-dees! Ummm...er..sorry. Ok, I'm not, but I just wanted to fit in as a lurker so I borrowed the song line.