September 14, 2007

So, Which Was a Bigger Accomplishment: Running for 2000 Yards in One Season...

You've got to be kidding me...

Ok, let's go with a hypothetical situation, here. Let's say that at least 50% of the people on earth believe you to be a double murderer (and I'm being pretty generous here). Let's also assume that you recently did interviews and found out that for the most part people hate you, even going so far as to crank call an interview you were doing to ask very angry, very pointed questions. In fact, let's also throw in the family of one of the people that you are believed by some to have murdered, who have won a civil case against you and keep a very close eye on everything you do, since you still owe a lot on that settlement. If this were you would you be so stupid as to get yourself involved in any more trouble with the law? You can pretty sure you wouldn't find sympathy from most people.

Unfortunately, ESPN is reporting that OJ Simpson is "considered a suspect" in a break-in at a Las Vegas casino which involved sports collectibles. (you know, like the ones he had to auction off to pay the family for one of the people he killed...allegedly.) There aren't many details other than that right now, but seriously, how dumb does one have to be to get into more trouble when his life is already a wreck?

I'm not saying he was involved in the break-in, but if he was, it would have been because he loved those collectibles very much, right?

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