September 23, 2007

Simpsons Premiere

The Simpsons season premiere was on tonight. I enjoyed the episode, but there was one line that just killed me. Homer and Mr. Burns have flown the corporate jet to Chicago and done all sorts of things including making all sorts of new friends. As they get back on the plane to return to Springfield, one of their new acquaintances shouts, "While you were here, we felt like New York!" I absolutely love Chicago, but it really does have a serious little brother complex when it comes to New York. That joke, despite being a complete throw away line, summed up the inferiority issues that the city has.

September 19, 2007

Talking Dog?

As much as I'd like to claim to have done this, Melissa is the one who gets the credit. Regardless, it's still funny.

I always knew he was plotting something.

September 18, 2007

Trivial Tuesday

Ok, I haven't been doing this recently, so let's try to get back in the swing of things.

I'm going to steal a page out of Danielle's book here. I'll give you the description from the back of DVD cases and you have to tell me what the movie is. Simple, right?

1. After returning from World War II, a young GI finds that he has little in common with the wife he left behind. Disillusioned, he heads north to work as a travelling salesman. There he meets the daughter of a wealthy vineyard owner. On her way home, she is terrified of what her domineering father will do when he learns she is unmarried and pregnant. the young man gallantly offers to help by posing as her husband for one night, unaware that doing so will change both their lives forever.

2. When (character) leaves to seek his fortune, his true love is captured by an evil prince. Will he return in time to save her? Can he battle wizards, warriors and pirates set in his way? You'll find out in this "wonderfully inventive" film for all ages!

3. Using the style and technique that were to make him famous, (Director) gained immediate audience sympathy for the plight of his central character, an innocent Canadian who, while visiting England, is implicated in the theft of natural secrets and murder. The music hall sequence with the remarkable memory act is unforgettable. A (Director) masterpiece!

Tell me the movies in comments section and impress your friends.

September 17, 2007

Lost on Gilligan's Island

I was sent a link to this by Trix a few days several weeks ago. It greatly amused me, so I thought I'd share. Of course, it may not amuse you as much if you aren't a Lost fan, but that's your problem not mine.

September 14, 2007

So, Which Was a Bigger Accomplishment: Running for 2000 Yards in One Season...

You've got to be kidding me...

Ok, let's go with a hypothetical situation, here. Let's say that at least 50% of the people on earth believe you to be a double murderer (and I'm being pretty generous here). Let's also assume that you recently did interviews and found out that for the most part people hate you, even going so far as to crank call an interview you were doing to ask very angry, very pointed questions. In fact, let's also throw in the family of one of the people that you are believed by some to have murdered, who have won a civil case against you and keep a very close eye on everything you do, since you still owe a lot on that settlement. If this were you would you be so stupid as to get yourself involved in any more trouble with the law? You can pretty sure you wouldn't find sympathy from most people.

Unfortunately, ESPN is reporting that OJ Simpson is "considered a suspect" in a break-in at a Las Vegas casino which involved sports collectibles. (you know, like the ones he had to auction off to pay the family for one of the people he killed...allegedly.) There aren't many details other than that right now, but seriously, how dumb does one have to be to get into more trouble when his life is already a wreck?

I'm not saying he was involved in the break-in, but if he was, it would have been because he loved those collectibles very much, right?

September 13, 2007

Of Mice and Tedium

Our local library often offers classes in all sorts of things from computer skills to how to play the stock market. Recently Melissa pointed a class out to me, and I just didn't know what to think. Should I be amused? Sad? Bewildered? All of the above? Here it is, and I hope it's as perplexing to you as it is to me.

How to use a Mouse
How to Use a Mouse No experience necessary Take the time to find out how to use a mouse, sometimes the trickiest but always the most basic computer skill. Learn how to use the device that opens most other computer functions in a hands-on computer class. Monday, September 17 2:00 – 3:30 pm

The best thing about this class: That it lasts for an hour and a half. 90 minutes of trying to figure out how to click vs. double-click and when to do each.

September 06, 2007

Still Here

Just very busy. I'm not totally abandoning you. I even have a few half written posts that may eventually make it up here.

By the way, I've turned on the annoying word verification thing for comments again because I have gotten like 15 spam comments in the past week.

I'll be back when I have time and something to say. For now...umm....hey, look! A red panda!


The red panda is also sometimes called a fire fox, but people who aren't familiar with it still call it an internet explorer.