August 01, 2008

Cornbread: Ain't Nothin' Wrong With That

Guess what? I don't have much of anything interesting to say, so you're getting a bunch of uninteresting things that have been bouncing around in my mind.

We have a spam filter at work that filters out pretty much anything that could be spam. It does a good job, but occasionally something will slip through. The other day, a few messages made it past the filter so I ended up with an inbox containing four copies of the same spam message from different "senders." As I was deleting them, I noticed that the first name of the sender for one of the messages was Slartibartfast. Are spammers developing a sense of humor?

Ok, I think I've got this all figured out. If warm chicken tastes good, cold crunchy veggies taste good, a warm chicken-cold crunchy salad tastes good-good then my new chocolate-covered garlic-stuffed shrimp should taste good-good-good. Oh yeah, I'm gonna be rich.

If you're walking around a store like Target, even if you are a pathetic backward-hat wearing frat boy, people should not be able to smell you three aisles away. Seriously Stinky, wearing that much cologne is not going to make women line up for the chance to bear your children. Do us all a favor and ease back just a little bit.

Here's something I don't think I've talked about on here in the past. I was a really big fan of the X-Files for quite a while. In fact, the first movie came out just over ten years ago. Also just over ten years ago, Melissa and I got married and moved across the country so that I could start school in Illinois. One of the very first things we did upon arriving in Illinois was find out where a theater was so that we could go see X-Files. By one of the first things, I mean that when we went to the grocery store for the first time so that we had at least some food in the house to eat (which also happened to be the day the movie was released) we asked one of the employees where the theater was so that as soon as we put the groceries away, we could go see it. Priorities, you know? I've said all that to say this: I don't know if it's that it has been 6 years since the show ended or how the last few seasons went or the fact that the best reviews I have seen have been barely even lukewarm, but I haven't seen the new movie yet. I'm not sure if I will.

Our air conditioner is currently broken. It just so happens that the company that is going to fix it is called Bel Aire. It turns out that if you suggest asking the repair guy if he is The Prince, other people may not think you are as funny as you do. (Note: Only suggest asking this. Don't actually ask or they may leave you to fix it yourself.)

Have you seen the commercial for JC Penney where a bunch of kids far too young to have ever seen The Breakfast Club are re-enacting The Breakfast Club? I am irrationally angered by that commercial.

Is that it? Yeah, that's it.


BipolarBunny said...

You are so right about the jc penny commercial! Those kids probably have no idea what they're doing. It annoys me, too. Maybe it just bothers be because I am in an age group that could have teen age kids.

Becki said...

Iiiinnn West Philadelphia...

Andrea said...

I'm the same way about this whole X-Files movie. I really thought I'd get excited. Feh.

For the record, I laughed at the thought of asking the repair dude if he's The Prince. Totally.

And I was going to write about my irrational hatred of the JC Penny's commecial on Friday. I actually seethe when it comes on. Seethe I say!

Esther said...

That JC Penney commercial makes me cringe. I love The Breakfast Club, but really, when Dawson's Creek had an episode years ago that was a copy, that was too much. These kids have destroyed it!

Anonymous said...

I watched that video for 15 seconds and nothing happened so I stopped. It wasn't made for people with A.D.D. Something does eventually happen, right?

Are you eating warm chocolate on cold shrimp or cold chocolate on warm shrimp?

Poledra said...

HAHA! There is no irrationality to your anger. You come from a family where your sister recorded The Breakfast Club on cassette so she could listen to it on her Walkman 24/7. Flaring your nostrils in angst like Judd Nelson is expected. Eating sushi with chopsticks is required. And you better believe when no one is looking some of us are gonna be dancing around like the goofs we are...(don't tell) And if people don't like it, they can Eat. My. Shorts. Whoops! Guess, we'll all be back in detention next Saturday, huh?