December 18, 2007

Savors the Sun While She Shines

Have you seen or, more importantly, heard the new Old Navy commercials for the holiday season? The ads use the tagline "Gifts that warm/pamper/play" and all three feature a woman singing a song that I really couldn't understand. In fact, I wasn't even sure if she was singing in English for most of the song. After a few thousand times of seeing the commercial and not knowing what was being said other than "all it takes is a little faith...", I finally decided to look online for information on the song used in the campaign. First, I was able to find videos of the ads. Here are two of them.

After finding the videos, I found the lyrics and was shocked to discover that she was singing in English. I couldn't believe it. Watching the ads, I could hear a couple of lines in English, but the rest just simply didn't make any sense. Finally, it all made sense when I learned who the artist performing the song was*:

*Ok, fine. It's not really the Swedish Chef. The song is called "Stars" and it's performed by The Weepies.


Itchy said...

They should do a duet with Vedder!

Poledra said...

I'm not aware of too many things,
I know what I know - If you know what I mean...errr...

What I am is what I am. Are you what you are - or what?

And yes, I think she and Edie Brickell would get along splendidly.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had girls that hot dressed like that under MY tree Xmas morning. Grandma just isn't the same somehow...