October 17, 2007

Rejected PostSecrets

By now, pretty much everyone is familiar with PostSecret, the blog made up of anonymous postcards with awful, sometimes sad, sometimes horrific secrets written on them. What you may not know is that PostSecret doesn't use all of the secrets sent to them. In fact, there are some categories that automatically get dropped in the discard pile. In a stunning exposé, I am presenting here 3 types of secrets that never manage to make it onto the PS blog or into one of the books.

Category 1: Adolescent Male Humor

Category 2: Cultural Reference

Category 3: Meta


Danielle said...

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! You should start a parody blog. Did you see that lolsecretz site that parodies I Can Has Cheezeburger and PostSecret?

Also I'm pissed because someone took my idea about posting pictures of the insides of people's refrigerators. My laziness has cost me once again.

MC Etcher said...

That's great!! You're the funniest mictrobiologist I never met!

Esther said...

hahahaha! I haven't actually gone to postsecret in a few weeks, but these are way better.

Cup said...

This coule be an excellent series!