I have no problem with people who do or don't watch TV. It's a personal choice and I can understand both view points. What I do not understand, however, is why people who do not watch television feel the need to announce it in the most condescending way possible. Take this exchange that happened at my work recently, during a meeting:
Was "I don't know" or "I didn't see" not a good enough answer? Saying that served no purpose other than attempting to sound superior. In addition, answers like that almost always cause everyone else around them to start denying or trying to justify their own TV habits. Continuing the conversation above:
If the way you say things makes people feel like they need to really stretch the truth or make some sort of attempt to justify themselves, chances are no one really wants to continue conversing with you.
I don't understand why people do this. If someone tries to tell you a story about jogging, you don't brush them off by saying that you don't jog in a way the suggests that anyone who does may as well throw himself off a cliff, because he's pretty much useless anyway.
Person 1: Oh, I think I saw that on the news last night. Was that the same thing you were talking about?
Person 2: Well, I don't watch television, so I don't know.*
Was "I don't know" or "I didn't see" not a good enough answer? Saying that served no purpose other than attempting to sound superior. In addition, answers like that almost always cause everyone else around them to start denying or trying to justify their own TV habits. Continuing the conversation above:
Person 1: Oh, yeah, I don't usually watch it either but it was on, and I happened to hear.
If the way you say things makes people feel like they need to really stretch the truth or make some sort of attempt to justify themselves, chances are no one really wants to continue conversing with you.
I don't understand why people do this. If someone tries to tell you a story about jogging, you don't brush them off by saying that you don't jog in a way the suggests that anyone who does may as well throw himself off a cliff, because he's pretty much useless anyway.
Look, if you don't watch TV, that's perfectly acceptable, and it's your option, but unless you're taking that time you would spend watching TV and using it to cure cancer or ensure that everyone in the world has both food and shelter, don't expect me to give you a medal for that choice. For that matter, curing the world of hunger, homelessness and cancer may grant you a pass on many things, but it doesn't allow you to be a pompous jerk.
*I actually like person 2, but this exchange bothered me. . . and no, I was not person 1.
Yeah! That drives me nuts, too. And, people who say they don't watch television are probably a buncha lying liars.
People I work with probably say they don't watch tv just to avoid a twenty minute quote-fest with me. Heh.
Hey - you know they don't watch television because they have better things to do...Like stumble on the internet or play MMOs all evening =P. Not that "I" would know anything about that....heh heh. (533 U N0085 0N RUN35C4P3)
Why can't they just say "oh, I didn't see it, no" and leave the attitude at the door? Pshhh.
I hate people who make you feel bad for stuff like this. Yes, I watch tv and I'm proud of it!
I hate people like that. They're just like the people who look at me weird when I tell them I don't like to read (books). Like, suddenly, I'm unintelligent.
Because, of course, all TV watchers are mindless sheep, and the only smart people in the world are the ones who don't watch TV, and instead read books. Just because some dumbasses watch TV doesn't mean that all TV watchers are dumbasses. Just like just because some dumbasses don't like to read, that doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't like to read is a dumbass.
And, either way, nobody likes a pompous jerk.
Person 1: So, you're starting your internship, huh? They seem to have a pretty good time with that on Scrubs.
Person 2: Well, I wouldn't know but I don't think that is very realistic.
Person 1: Yeah, well, right. (thinking: UM, YEAH, you don't say, well, it IS a COMEDY, and I WAS just making that reference because I have nothing else to say to you.)
but the news????? Surely that rates differently to Big Brother?
LOVE the title! Best movie ever! Also, I don't understand who act like they are so great because they don't watch t.v.
Does this make them better?
I think not:
a: My kid watches television and he is smart as a whip.
b: They are missing out on the greatness that is Alton Brown anf Tony Bourdain.
What tv viewers call 'pomposity' when someone says they don't watch television is probably more likely their own fears & insecurities foisted upon the non-tv viewer.
I was raised without tv (in the 40s and 50s). I graduated from high school at 13 and was working as a programmer two months before my 14th birthday. When I was 24, someone bought me a 14-inch color tv, which was my first (and ONLY) tv. I watched it for a couple of months then I realized how much time I was wasting watching something that was designed for, well, basically, people with lower IQs than mine. I gave the tv back to the guy who gave it to me, and never ever watched tv again. That was 47 years ago. What have I done since then? Read my way through a number of libraries, made Millions on my own initiative, run a business with 432 employees, learned to fly a plane, sail a sailboat, windsurf, surf, raised horses, been to every continent on this planet, and never ever had to worry about the bullsh*t on tv. The internet is useful to me for reading newspapers around the world, for knowing what's really going on with regards to weapons of mass destruction (including chemical weapons), studying the policies of US Presidents and other foreign leaders, making an INFORMED decisions on who to vote for in various US elections, including the presidency, then quickly relocating the headquarters of my businesses OUT of the USA when I realized that a nincompoop puppet-opportunist was going to be elected president by PEOPLE WHO WATCH TV and make 'informed' decisions based on what they see / hear in that media format. As for a kid being 'smart as a whip', well, what 'whip' ever had a brain? Stupid is as stupid does. People who don't watch tv probably have 20-40 hours a WEEK free time to: read, learn, grow and make truly INFORMED decisions. They probably spend more time with their spouses, their children, and with GOD. Does that make them better people? What's the point of answering THAT question! The brains of tv viewers are atrophied past the point where they could understand the answer. Do non-tv viewers have alzheimers? Answer that question for yourselves... if you can think it through. Pomposity or truthfullness? hmmmm.
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