April 09, 2007

Back Home Again, A Picture Post

We're back from our brief trip to St. Louis. (See photo of Arch below as evidence.)


Just a couple of quick things about the trip. I have a feeling this guy is stalking me. He showed up when I went to Santa Fe last year, too.


If anyone has any idea about the significance of this statue (I don't know what it's actually called, but I like to think it's titled "Kung Fu Bunny.") please let me know.


It always takes seeing yourself in pictures to really drive a point home, and some of the photos from this trip made me realize that I have really let myself go.


Anyway, I'll have more on this later, but I wanted to give you a few pictures from the trip. (And as always, I cannot take credit for the pictures, as Melissa is the more talented photographer, and I am also not to be trusted with the camera for more than a few seconds.)


MC Etcher said...

Yay! You're back! You wouldn't think it, but you can only watch those Ralph vids so many times.

crse said...

i agree! glad you are back!

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures! YAY! You're back!