November 06, 2006

Overheard Over Dinner

We went to a Chinese restaurant recently and the way too adorable 5 year old daughter of the owners was wandering around the dining area talking to customers. A few things that were said while we were there:

Child: "What's your name?"
Customer: "Leigh"
Child: "No, I have to guess it. Tell me the first letter."
Customer: "L"
Child: "Leigh?"

Child: "What's he first letter of your husband's name?"
Customer: "I'm not waiting for my husband. I'm waiting for my son."
Child: "But I have to guess your husband's name."
Customer: "I don't have a husband anymore. I'm divorced."
*Customer's son arrives*
Child: "You don't have a daddy."

This went on for most of the time we were there. My favorite exchange of the evening was between the little girl and an older couple. The man, who was not exactly small, had apparently eaten more of his dinner than she thought appropriate.

Child: "Aren't you full yet?"
Customer: "No."
Child: "It looks like you have a baby in your belly."


Agent 31 said...

So, in like 30 years, she's going to be the rude, bitter Chinese food order taker lady that yells at me about my order all the time? Nice.

Cup said...

And yet I'd almost travel to watch her in action today.