November 09, 2006

Missile Command

Is it wrong that I really want to buy this?

Before you answer, think of the uses:

At home, I could keep it at my computer and if the dogs want to play, I don't even have to look up, just launch a dart and tell them fetch.

Or I could take it to work and have it my office. It will come in handy when that annoying coworker comes into the office and never stops talking (Come on, you know what I'm talking about. You've got one in your office too. Unless, you are that person in your office.) If they won't shut up and leave, all it takes is a few clicks of the mouse and missiles are being launched at their head. You can even make a game out of it and try to see if you can get a dart to go through the flapping gums.

Unfortunately, the more realistic side of me keeps saying that the net results of these suggested uses would be a choking dog and a visit with HR, but you can't blame me for dreaming.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

It's not wrong at all.

In fact, now I want one that I can hook up to remote software so that I can shoot them at my cats while I'm at work and watch their reactions on the webcam.

I'll bet you can modify the projectiles to be rawhide chewies so that you wouldn't have a choking dog, and your annoying coworker might just take off after the rawhide as well. If not, it'll stick in their eye and kill them, thus eliminating both the annoyance AND the trip to HR.