September 22, 2008
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
September 21, 2008
An Open Letter to the Nest of Yellow Jackets in Our Yard
Dear Sirs and Madams,
September 10, 2008
In The Shiny Little Surrey With The Fringe On The Top
September 09, 2008
I, For One, Welcome Our New Insect Overlords.
September 03, 2008
Yeah, I Said It
Since I've already shared my probably unpopular opinion on the Olympics, I figured why not go ahead a give you a few more.
I don't like Wes Anderson movies. People tell me I will. People tell me I should. I've tried to like them. I've even tried to convince myself that I liked them, but really it just doesn't work. Oh, sure I may sit there thinking "Hey, that's one quirky character. Yeah, how clever to make that person completely unlike any human being I would ever choose to be around for more than twenty seconds." A joke may make me half-heartedly chuckle or almost smile, but by the end I realize that I don't like any of the characters, and there's a pretty good chance that I may want to fall asleep.*
I can't wait for the presidential race to be over. I hate that everything on TV and the internet has to do with the election and that all I hear anywhere is about how my candidate is better than yours, blah blah blabbity blah. Not only that, but I've got news for you: Every time I hear anything from one candidate it makes me want to vote for the other guy. Yeah, that's right the other guy. Campaign ads? Counterproductive. Negative ads? Doubly so. Send me an email or tell me all about how evil his opponent is? Damaging my opinion of your candidate and in all likelihood, of you as well.** I'm fully capable of learning things, forming opinions and making decisions all on my own, thank you. And if you think that I don't mean your party or your candidate and that surely there is an exemption, you're wrong. That's right, despite being far too old to be mistaken for one, I'm apparently a rebellious teenager who is going to go against anything anyone tells me just out of the need to rebel.
If you happen to hear a spinning noise coming from underground, don't worry, that is likely just everyone who was associated with the original version of The Women*** rolling over in their respective graves. Alternatively, it could be the career of Meg Ryan, which I'm fairly certain did pass away a few years ago.
Yeah, I realize that last one wasn't very controversial, but I couldn't think of another topic and really needed a way to end this post and, like magic, the trailer just came on TV.
*Oh, I am so getting my hipster card revoked for this. . . or would be, if I were ever hip enough to have one.
**Also damaging to my opinion of you: Being unable to realize that, while someone may have the same agenda as you, they still have an agenda and that maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't automatically believe everything someone says just because they agree with you.
***Just the ones who have actually died. I make no claims about how anyone from the first film, who is still living feels about the remake or how much time they spend in graves.
September 01, 2008
Running for the Border
[Int. Car - Driving past a Taco Bell- Day]
M: A Volcano Taco
C: Yeah, I saw that and was wondering what that was, too.
M: It probably makes you erupt violently after you eat it.
C: So, it's just a regular Taco Bell taco?