April 18, 2008

I (did not) Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet

Today's earthquake in southern Illinois was felt in various parts of the country including here in southern Michigan, but at 5:30 in the morning, I didn't notice a thing. We are about 250 miles from the epicenter, but you'd never know this by watching our local newscasts. This was a huge story on our news today, and rather than just acknowledge that it happened and that a few people might have felt something small, we had to discuss the impact it had on people here. They interviewed probably a half dozen people about their experiences which included things like "the papers on the fridge flapping ever so slightly." If nothing else, it reminded me of why I can't stand watching local news.


BipolarBunny said...

I KNOW!!! I live in Chicago. I was even awake. I didn't feel a thing. And that is the third earthquake I've missed. I'm so disappointed.

Anonymous said...

I finally felt one! It woke me up and I convinced myself I dreamed the whole thing...